Grape Powder
For wine making
Red, rose and white
From grape varieties reached their technical maturity. The drying process allows to save all the nutrients and natural enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, useful micro flora, precious natural components that contribute to its high biological value. Can be used as a raw material for the wines, fortified wines and champagne and soft drinks. has been especially developed for making dry wine styles.
to make 20L of wine
1. Clean the fermenter thoroughly with water and soda detergent. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
2. Pour the dried grape powder into fermenter:
Red powder | 500-520g |
Rose powder | 320-350g |
White powder | 320-350g |
When the fermentation is complete:
1. Pour wine very slowly into another clean fermenter to get rid of the sediment.
2. Add Wine Stabilizer. Mix vigorously several times and leave to rest for 2-4 hours.
3. Add Fining Agents and mix well. The wine will now start to clarify. It takes several days for wine to clarify completely. Pour wine into bottles and seal with corks. The young wine is drinkable now but better quality is achieved by aging for a few months.
The wine will now start to clarify. It takes several days for the wine to completely clear. Once clear, decant the wine into bottles and seal. This young wine is drinkable now, but better quality is achieved by aging for a few months.
Useful notifications
Constant temperature 22-30°C is important for the process. Too high temperature can kill yeast cells, too low might not start fermentation at all or cause very slow fermentation process.
Before you start to add clarificaton agents and stabilizer to wine, make sure the fermentation is completly finished. Otherwise the clarification process will not be successful, yeast odour will still be present and that strongly effects the quality of the finished product.
During fermentation you can open the fermenter and mix the brew slowly for a short time. Do not leave the fermenter open, make sure the lid is always closed hermetically afterwards.