Turbo Yeast
QuickFerm Turbo Yeast ferments sugar into high alcohol wash producing 17%-18% in 5-8 days or less.
Comprised of a mix of alcohol tolerant yeast specially selected strain of Saccharomyces Cerevisae and a complex of nutrients and enzymes, designed for a quick start and rapid fermentation to ferment a pure sugar or grain solution into alcohol.
To make 23 L of wash using QuickFerm Turbo yeast
1. Clean the fermenter thoroughly with water and soda detergent. Rinse thoroughly.
2. Add 10 L of hot water to a 30-liters fermenter (plastic bucket with lid and airlock is recommended). Add 7.5 kg sugar, mix well until dissolved.
3. Top up with lukewarm water to final volume 25 liters.
Check the temperature is below 35°C. The mixture’s temperature before adding yeast to it should not exceed it.
4. Add 125g QuickFerm Turbo Yeast and mix it slowly. Cover the fermenter with
lid and put an airlock about half full of water.
5. Leave to ferment. Ideal temperature 25-35°C . Constant temperature during the fermentation process is an important factor.
6. When the fermentation process is over, carefully siphon the liquid into another clean fermenter leaving the sediment behind. Depending on the type of the final product, alternatively, add clarifiers to improve your result.
More information
QuickFerm Turbo Yeast performs very well under different fermentation conditions. Suitable for the manufacture of spirits and high alcohol drinks.
Can ferment 7.5 kg of sugar in a total volume of 25 L
of wash. Ideal start temperature: 30-35°C. Constant temperature during the fermentation process is important.
QuickFerm Turbo Yeast ferments sugar into high alcohol wash. It can make 17%-18 % alc. in a short space of time: 5-8 days or less. Has been designed to perform very well under the different fermentation conditions.
QuickFerm Turbo Yeast is ideally suited for the manufacture of spirit and high alcoholic drinks both for home brewers and bigger production volumes. Turbo Yeast provides a faster fermentation of sugar, corn, molasses, barley, wheat, potato peels, etc. with high alcohol and temperature tolerance.
Useful notifications
Constant temperature 22-30°C is important for the process. Too high temperature can kill yeast cells, too low might not start fermentation at all or cause very slow fermentation process.
Before you start to add clarificaton agents and stabilizer to wine, make sure the fermentation is completly finished. Otherwise the clarification process will not be successful, yeast odour will still be present and that strongly effects the quality of the finished product.
During fermentation you can open the fermenter and mix the brew slowly for a short time. Do not leave the fermenter open, make sure the lid is always closed hermetically afterwards.